Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Sea Otter

Common Name: Sea Otter

Scientific Name: Enhydra lutris kenyoni

Habitat: Sea otters live in shallow, coastal waters. Their habitat has two areas: 1) The ocean floor where they find their food
2) The ocean surface where they eat, groom, rest, and play

Adaptations: Sea otters have paws that are fused together to create a paddle for moving through the water. Their tail acts as a rudder and also propels the otter through the water. They can also live on land but can't move as well as they can in the water. Sea otters have very thick fur with natural oils that repels water and traps tiny air bubbles, which provides a layer of warm air between their skin and the environment. 

Status: Sea otters in California are threatened because that species is hunted for its beautiful fur.

Current Issues: Oil spills, infectious diseases, parasites, boat strikes, entanglement, and toxins

Why I Chose It?: Sea otters are really cute and I was interested to learn about their lifestyle.

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