Thursday, February 21, 2013

Ocean Acidification

Ocean Acidification is the other carbon problem. Pollution from burning fuels and other sources emits into the atmosphere which touches the surfaces of all the Earth's oceans. 20 million tons of carbon dioxide mixes in the oceans everyday. The earth has been facing a steady climb in carbon dioxide level for a long time but it was very slight. Ever since the industrial revolution the climb in carbon dioxide levels has grown and it's starting to affect the creatures in the sea. 

Shells that the creatures of the sea have formed are starting to deteriorate. They don't have as much time to acclimate to the rise in carbon dioxide levels as they used to. Some plantonic and benthic organisms are starting to disappear. 

If we hope to save these sea creatures from disappearing, we need to "go green". We need to emit less pollution and take care of our oceans if we hope to save these creatures.

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