Saturday, February 9, 2013

Why should we explore?

There are many reasons why we should study the ocean. One reason is that we can learn so much by just studying the organisms and formations on the ocean floor. According to Robert Ballard, the ocean is the world's largest museum. There are billions of years of history in the ocean and if we explore the ocean it can tell us all about the history of the Earth.

Another reason is for safety reasons. If we don't study the ocean we won't know about all the dangerous creatures and fauna in the ocean. We also wouldn't know where they dwell and how to treat the wounds we could get from them.

A third reason is to find efficient ways of transportation. 90% of the world's trade is done by ocean travel. Many products that need to be shipped can't withstand the pressures of air flight so sea travel is the only way to ship (no pun intended) many products.

Coastal erosion is another reason to study the ocean. People who live on the shorelines are worried about this because it could make the foundation under their houses could falter.

The final reason we should study the ocean I will be discussing is the ocean plays a huge role in the hydrological cycle. A majority of the water that rains goes into the ocean which is a major source of the water that evaporates into the air to make clouds.

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