Sunday, February 3, 2013

Come Sail Away Pt. 1

My boat design is a very simple yet efficient design. It uses a styrofoam block, duct tape, straws, cardboard, aluminum foil, and hot glue. First my partner and I first cut a whole in the styrofoam block to hold 20 marbles on its meter long journey.

Next we made the keel. To make it we took some cardboard and cut out a curved triangle and covered it in duct tape so it wouldn't get soggy and fall off. We then cut a slit in the bottom of the styrofoam block and hot glued it into the block.

To make the mast my partner and I bound 5 plastic straws together and wrapped them in duct tape. We then attached the sail me made out of cardboard wrapped in aluminum foil with some hot glue. 

All that was left to do was attach the sail to the styrofoam and put it in the water.

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