Sunday, February 3, 2013

Why do we explore?

This week in my aquatics class we watched a video of a lecture given by Bob Ballard. He discussed the important question "Why do we explore?". So why do we explore? Is it to be able to say "Hey mom, look at what I found?" or "I found it, therefore, I'm the best"? There are so many things in the world that have yet to be discovered. How do we know what will benefit the world unless we explore and make discoveries? There could be a certain type of fish who's scales contain a chemical that cures cancer lurking on the ocean floor. I know that sounds crazy, but we'll never know if it's realistic until we look.

Mr. Ballard discussed the fact that 50% of the United States lies underwater. Half of the country that we've explored many times has never been seen. We know the complete geography of the moon but we don't even know what lies at the bottom of the ocean. Do I think it's sad that we know the moon better than our own planet? Yes. I think to fully understand other planets and moons we have to first understand our planet, from the top of the highest peak to the deepest part of the ocean.

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